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How to surf like a pro ??

 How to become a pro at surfing ? 

Surfing is an exciting sport that can seem daunting to beginners, but with practice and persistence, anyone can become a pro surfer. Here are some steps you can take to become a pro at surfing... 

Step 1: Learn the Basics

The first step to becoming a pro surfer is to learn the basics of surfing. This includes understanding the surfboard, paddling technique, body position on the board, wave technique and sea safety. You can take surf lessons from a qualified instructor to help you learn the basics and avoid common mistakes. 

Step 2: Train regularly

Regular practice is essential to becoming a pro surfer. This means spending time in the water to develop your technique, balance and strength. Try to surf regularly, even if it means surfing small waves or less than perfect conditions. The more time you spend on the board, the more comfortable you will be in the water and the more your surfing skills will develop. 

Step 3: Participate in competitions

Once you are comfortable in the water and have developed your surfing skills, you can start participating in surfing competitions. Surfing competitions are a great way to measure your surfing level against other surfers and to meet people from the surfing community. It can also help you grow your network of contacts in the surfing world, which can help you secure sponsorships and opportunities to travel to surf. 

Step 4: Focus on fitness

Physical condition is an important part of becoming a pro surfer. This includes strength, endurance, balance and flexibility. It's important to commit to a regular workout routine that includes strength and cardio exercises, as well as stretching to improve flexibility. 

Step 5: Expand your horizons

To become a pro surfer, it is important to explore different types of waves and surfing conditions. This can mean traveling to surf in different places, or simply getting out of your comfort zone and trying bigger or smaller waves than usual. By exploring different types of surfing, you can develop new skills and gain valuable experience that can help you progress as a surfer. 

Step 6: Work on the technique

Technique is a crucial part of becoming a pro surfer. It is important to work on specific techniques, such as bottom turn, cutback, floater, tube riding, etc. To do this, you can watch professional surf videos, ask advice from experienced surfers, and above all, practice these techniques in the water. 

Step 7: Focus on the mindset

Surfing is also a mental sport. To become a pro surfer, it is important to work on your mentality. It means developing a positive attitude, being able to stay focused and calm in difficult conditions, and being resilient in the face of failure. You can work on your mentality by practicing meditation, yoga, or by working with a sports coach or sports psychologist. 

Step 8: Look for sponsors

To become a pro surfer, it's important to get sponsors who can help fund your travels, competitions, and surf gear. To find sponsors, you can participate in competitions, create an online surfer profile, and network with other surfers and surf industry professionals. 

Step 9: Keep up to date with surfing news

Surfing is an ever-changing industry. To become a pro surfer, it is important to keep up to date with surfing news, the latest trends and important events. You can follow surf websites, surf magazines, professional surfer social networks, and attend surf events. 

By following these steps, you can become a pro surfer. Remember that surfing is a demanding sport that requires practice, perseverance and passion. With determination, discipline and hard work, you can achieve your goals and become a successful professional surfer. 


Becoming a professional surfer is a dream for many surfing enthusiasts. However, it requires a lot of hard work, perseverance and determination. By following these steps, you can maximize your chances of success and achieve your dream of becoming a professional surfer. 

Do not forget that surfing is above all a sport of pleasure and connection with the ocean. Never lose sight of why you fell in love with this sport in the first place, and enjoy every moment you have on a board. 


1. At what age can you start surfing? 

You can start surfing at any age, but it is recommended to start young to quickly develop the necessary physical abilities. 

2. Is it possible to become a professional surfer without having grown up near the ocean? 

It is possible, but it may be more difficult. Professional surfers who grew up away from the ocean usually had to travel a lot to practice surfing regularly. 

3. How long does it take to become a professional surfer? 

There is no universal answer to this question, it depends on many factors such as frequency of practice, natural skills, and ability to work hard. 

4. How much does the surf equipment cost? 

Surfing equipment can cost between a few hundred to several thousand dollars, depending on the quality of the equipment and the brand. 

5. How to earn money as a professional surfer? 

Professional surfers earn money through competitions, sponsors, advertising contracts, and by selling derivative products in their name... 


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